Remote Jobs on AfriSplash Remotely

Remote Jobs on AfriSplash Remotely

The gateway to Africa's remote workforce🌍

Stone Press
Remote (Full remote)
Freelance Content Writer

Your Responsibilities

  • Follow our briefs and templates to write high-quality, well-researched, and unbiased B2B blog posts that resonate with the target audience, address their pain points, and offer sound solutions.
  • Conduct in-depth research to investigate topics thoroughly, using credible sources and data to support your writing.
  • Adhere to our writing guidelines and style guide to produce content that meets our strict standards of quality.
  • Embrace feedback from our editors and incorporate it into your work to elevate the quality of your writing. While we try to minimize back-and-forth on individual posts, we will expect you to be open to our feedback and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Add appropriate internal links and credible/authoritative external links to posts.
  • Consistently meet all deadlines. Your work must be completed by the due date without exception.

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